Transl8 Team
Qualified Linguists
Our clients’ satisfaction comes from the highest quality work delivered by our professional team of subject specific linguists. Transl8 international network of language professionals consists of native-speakers in the target language with at least 10 years of experience. Most of our linguists have first-hand knowledge of the industry for which they translate and hold advanced degrees, such as MBA, MD, JD and PhD.
Dedicated Project Managers
Transl8 Project Managers are on the front line working directly with our clients to deliver high quality services on time and on budget. Their commitment to high-standard customer service, business ethic and attention to details continues to impress our customers.
Account Representatives
Transl8 AR team is here for you. Anything from answering questions and providing quick quotes, to solving budget issues – your Account Representative is just a phone call away. Your Account Representative will work with your company ensuring that every project is executed in most efficient and professional way possible, meeting your business needs.