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Why Client Review Cycle is essential for your business?

Reviewing translation quality is something companies do either for regulatory compliance or for their peace of mind.
Pharmaceutical companies check every document mostly for regulatory reasons, but also because the stakes are too high: an inaccurately translated package insert can cause a patient’s death. However, quality reviews of translated materials can benefit other industries as well. Consider the risks to your business when you publish documents that haven’t been reviewed. It can affect your company’s reputation, revenues, and profitability, which can be damaged by a product recall due to faulty translation.
Reputation and profitability can also be affected when translated materials that are launched with a new product don’t coincide with cultural and business nuance in the new market. Competitors can seize the opportunity that a lack of review created. Market share can be irrevocably lost.
This is why client review process can be a strong final check on your products and services before they are launched globally. Conducting an efficient in-country review has its challenges. They include finding the staff, dealing with the subjectivity different individuals introduce, and capturing their comments for future work improvements. Turning the work around and meeting launch schedules are two other common problems. And what about the difficulty and cost of pulling non-dedicated review staff away from their work to tackle a project that’s outside their usual duties?

Transl8 reviewers do quality assurance on the language element of any localized product without the overhead of a costly internal department. We also remove the subjectivity that an in-country reviewer on your staff might bring to the project. You can expect your work back within days instead of a few months for in-country reviewers who have other jobs within your company to do the work. With Transl8, you can plan and time a product launch, with no delay because of lack of translation. Transl8 tailors its full-time and part-time staff to your requirements, so you are not carrying under-utilized fixed costs during quiet periods.

Effective translation review by independent agency reduces overall costs and boosts revenue by enabling you to enter markets faster, with more accurate and timely materials.

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